Monday, November 2, 2009

SA2 Results

I feel disappointed with my English results because I want to get Band One and get better results when I'm primary four.I think I got such results because I did not work hard enough.I think I can improve my results by doing more assessments.
I also feel disappointed with my Maths results because I want to get Band One and get better results when its the PSLE so that I can get to a good secondary school. I think I got such results because I did not work hard enough and did not do more assessments. I think I can improve my results by playing the computer for a shorter time.
I feel upset with my Chinese results because I want to have Band One so that I can get to the Top three to get a prize.I think I got such results because I did not study hard enough during the school holidays. I think I can improve my results by having Chinese tuition and revising during the school holidays.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Dangers Of Cyber Contacts

1) No, but once, I told my maplestory character what is my name and my school, but he did not do anything to me.

2) Yes .

3) Your favourite food, pet, music and drinks can be shared online. But things like your full name, email address, address and passwords cannot be shared online.

4) The person would want to meet you up and it would be not the person you see in the photograph.

5) I would not share information to my Cyber Pal and would say that I should not share information.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

National Day

I am proud to be a Singaporean because Singapore is clean and green and most of the people are good and kind. :)


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Cyber Addiction

My favourite computer game is' Maple story'. I play about 2 hours when it is Monday to Friday but Saturday and Sunday I will play about 5 hours or 6 hours. I will stop playing the game and eat my food. But when I ate 1 bite from my food, I will run to the computer and play a while. Then I went to eat 1 bite from my food, and then I do the same thing again continually. I can play for awhile for maybe 45 minutes and while I'm playing I can rest for maybe about 2-5 minutes. I can tell my friend to rest for a few minutes when my friend is playing the computer.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


HALO EVERYBODY . DONT SPAM in my blog hor . If you spam, go die lar . lol . Just kidding .



Your regards,
-YingXuan . :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Changes in school

1. I like the parade square as I like P.E, and also we often play P.E there .

2. I dislike the canteen as everytime I stay back, the canteen will be very crowded and sometimes I could not find any seat .

3. The canteen can be improved my putting a few more tables and chairs .

4. The hall, toilet, field and the classrooms .

5. They can clean the classrooms, and don't litter the toilet . The hall .. don't litter the hall too . =)

Saturday, March 14, 2009